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Jessica Allen

SuperStar Consultant


My Story

Hi! My name is Jessica (Jess) I discovered Scentsy after hosting a party for a friend. I was pleasantly surprised when my parcel full of goodies arrived in only a few days after the party! I immediately opened everything to sniff, smell and start using my warmer and melts. That is the exact point I became an addict! I seriously had never come across anything that smelled so good

Not only did I love the range, but there was something for everything. I particular like the Counter Clean, it left everything with a wonderful scent and creates a barrier to stop dirt and grime from sticking. I also used the counter clean at work, a bowling centre, where it left the entire centre with the pleasant scent of Sunkissed Citrus (my fave.) I started thinking how much I would be spending, and considered taking the plunge and join as a consultant. There was no harm in earning a few dollars back on my own purchases. That's correct, you earn from your own purchases!

I never originally considered this as a business opportunity for me, but after I had people asking where I got these amazing products from and where they could order for themselves, I realized how popular Scentsy was! After my first paycheck it really made me want to see how far I can take this. I had always thought of party plan businesses as unsustainable business models for the majority of people starting because there business seems to stop when they run out of parties! So, I was really surprised when I heard all the different ways you can sell Scentsy making it a much more sustainable business model :

Parties (in-home, basket parties, pouch parties)

Online (website, FB group & BSS groups )

Direct to businesses

Now Scentsy really started sounding appealing as a regular income!

Next, I looked into the products and quickly realized they were great quality safe products that mostly require repeat purchases! So your customers are always running out of wax and laundry detergent etc so you develop a great repeat customer base fairly quickly !

I joined up - bought my business starter pack and went for it! What was so pleasing, was the amount of support in Scentsy after joining. Even more, was the willingness of so many successful people in Scentsy sharing exactly how to achieve that success! No secrets - they genuinely want others to succeed!

Now, I work my Scentsy business in the time I decide around my other commitments. I participate in tenpin bowling tournaments around the country and Scentsy allows me to work around my schedule......when I have time to do it! I can work when I am home or on the road.

Since joining, I have been promoted to Director, and have a team of 100+ amazing people around Australia. I absolutely love helping my team achieve their goals and create financial freedom for their families. When my team does well, I do well and as a team we all support each other to be successful.

So get in touch if you would like to chat about the incredible opportunity Scentsy presents to work from home or wherever your travels take you !

My Favourite Scents